Computer Glasses VS Blue Light Glasses (Which Do You Need?)
Today, we are going to compare computer glasses and blue-light glasses and to tell which one is better at relieving digital eye strain plus stay turned toward to the end as well show some tips on how to find the right powers for your computer glasses. Let’s take a look.
What are computer glasses?
Well, computer glasses are a dedicated pair of glasses with magnification power to relieve eye strain while looking at a near object that is about the distance of your computer screen. Computer glasses are very similar to reading glasses. In fact, some people even use reading glasses as computers. It really has to do with how far away the object you’re focusing on is. Computer glasses are more dedicated for a further away distance, which is about 24 inches or 60 centimeters. For most people, computer screens where reading glasses are more dialed in for objects up close. It depends on where you like to hold things for reading. In fact, we call this distance where your elbows are just barely touching your body and you’re holding an object out here a Hartmann distance.

Computer glasses are to relieve the muscle tension inside the eye and the eye muscle outside of the eye from having to overwork and be fatigued from staring at a set distance so close for so long. So if you’re somebody who spends a lot of time throughout your day on a digital screen up close and you’re getting eye strain or maybe headaches -- then getting a pair of dedicated computer glasses could help relieve that feeling.
What are Blue-light Glasses?
Blue-light glasses are essentially just glasses with either some type of reflector on the front or anti-reflective to bounce blue-light away. They eliminate the harsh blue light that you get from looking at things like computer screens or any of the artificial LED light bulbs that we have in the home. Published studies on blue light has found that it does affect our melatonin production and that affects our sleep cycles. Also, there are some studies out there and many people who will claim that blue light glasses help relieve their eye strain. Not many types of blue light glasses that you find out there are usually non-prescription they are simply just filters or some type of anti-reflective coating on the top of a lens. So if you’re somebody who doesn’t want any prescription maybe you just don’t like the feel of it. If you don’t like the look of it, then you can always just get plain old lenses.
Blue-light blocking technology is really a kind of an add-on that can be made in the lenses themselves you can even double up and you can have computer lenses that also have blue-light blocking technology fact that is what’s most recommended for people who are looking for a dedicated pair of computer glasses. Another thing that can get confusing is that there are also gaming glasses that don’t be too thrown off by these gaming glasses are usually just computer glasses with a blue light filter in them but oftentimes gaming glasses only come in non-prescription or Plano lenses.
How to Find a Good Pair of Blue-light Blocking Glasses
Now, the real trick to finding a good pair of computer glasses and relieving digital eye strain has to do with finding the right powers of the computer glasses for you and I’ve got some tips to share.
A quick role of thumb that many eye care professionals will use to calculate at least the initial setup for the right powers for computer glasses and reading glasses is based on somebody’s age. As we all age we lose the ability to really focus well up close that means the older you get the more power you will need for your computer glasses in general. If you’re under the age of 40 and have no problem seeing things up close, then finding a pair of computer glasses around a plus 0.25 or a plus 0.5. It’s just enough power in the lenses to see that things are magnified we’re leaving that eye strain without going too far and giving too much power and causing eye strain. For people who are in their early to mid 40s, usually getting around a plus 1 reading prescription or again a computer glasses prescription does excellent for those needs. For somebody who’s more age 50 and above, they are typically gonna need something stronger somewhere around a 1.25 going up to 1.50. Then ultimately around 1.75 for anybody who’s around the age of 60.